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April 25, 2024
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Are Unions Relevant?
Updated On: Jan 28, 2013

You Decide

Shown here are statistics from the Bureau of Labor's population survey.  They have been printed in newspapers all over the United States.  Organized labor continues to struggle in a climate where companies regularly hire part-time workers who earn no benefits.  Republican controlled state legislations introduce "right-to-work" bills that are aimed towards the elimination of unions.  Why?  Because the labor movement is the #1 contributor to candidates that support worker-friendly legislation.  Without the labor movement this country would move back towards the era when workers were treated like dirt and industry did what it wanted without regard to anything but making a profit for the wealthy few.

11.3% - share of U. S. wage and salary workers who were members of unions in 2012.

20.1% - Union share in 1983, first year statistics kept on percentage of union workers.

$943 - Median weekly pay for full-time union workers in 2012.

$742 - Median weekly pay for full-time non-union workers in 2012.

35.9% - Rate of union membership for public-sector workers.

6.6% - Rate of union membership for private-sector workers.

12.6% - Share of workers who are union members in Ohio.

13.9% - Share of Ohio workers who are covered by a union or an employee association contract, regardless  of whether or not they are members of a union.

These statistics clearly show that union workers make more ($200+) a week than non-union workers, so you would think the answer is simple - YES - unions are good for the American worker. 

Unions are a relevant and necessary safeguard for working people.  How else would a worker have a voice at the workplace and the ability to be protected from unwarrented actions by the employer?

Speaking directly about the USPS - can you imagine what would be going on now with mail processing consolidations, excessing, and post office closures if there were not a union protecting workers rights?  Can you say mass hysteria?

The full-out attack on all unions will continue as long as Congress is controlled by the right-wing conservatives who want the rich to be richer and the workers to have no one to protect their interests.

To demonstrate just how effective the labor movement is and why the right-wing wants to eliminate it - READ THE ARTICLE BELOW.

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